CanaryBit supports Mobility industry leaders

CanaryBit is one of the eight startups selected for batch 10 of the MobilityXlab programme. The programme aims to co-create solutions with seven mobility industry leaders: CEVT, Ericsson, Polestar, Veoneer, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, and Zenseact. The competition was tough, as a total of 155 applicants from 24 countries applied in this round.

Collaboration between enterprises and startups is crucial to designing and rolling out climate-neutral mobility solutions. The eight startups joining MobilityXlab develop innovations in sustainable materials, new battery technologies, and secure data processing.

“Innovation is key to creating the sustainable societies of tomorrow, and collaborating with startups is one of the most important elements for reaching the solutions that current and future mobility demands”

– Nils Mösko, Chairperson at MobilityXlab and Head of Strategy and Business Development at Polestar.

MobilityXlab’s success relies on being close to its world-leading industry partners. Their representatives participate in every part of the organization, from screening new applicants to leading the collaboration programs. As a result, 800+ startups from over 50 countries applied to the programme.

“It is not possible for companies to take the lead on innovation on their own, and an increasing number of organizations have adopted partnership as a new form of leadership. In this scenario, MobilityXlab has the role of being a neutral platform where knowledge, resources, and expertise steer productive collaboration for all parts involved”

– Katarina Brud, Director at MobilityXlab.

The CanaryBit team is excited to work with the MobilityXlab partners. We are glad to support their journey towards sustainable, innovative and secure products and services in the automotive industry.

MobilityXlab in short

MobilityXlab is a collaboration hub founded in 2017 by global companies to create and develop innovations within future mobility, with each other and with startups. The collaboration platform includes seven partners: CEVT, Ericsson, Polestar, Veoneer, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, and Zenseact. Lindholmen Science Park is the host organization. MobilityXlab receives support from Region Västra Götaland and Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency. Over the first five years, startups from startups over 50 countries applied to MobilityXlab. The collaboration resulted in 84 Proof of Concepts (PoC) and 14 accelerations, in the form of commercial contracts or partnerships. 

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