Life at CanaryBit

We embrace diversity, promote inclusion, and we call on others to do the same.

Inclusion & Diversity

Inclusion and Diversity are the foundation values that define our company culture.
We continuously review and redesign critical processes, trainings and policies to intentionally promote diversity and be inclusive by default.
This goes for recruitment as well as supporting equal opportunities to grow and develop when employed at CanaryBit.

Gender Equality

We want everyone to feel empowered, healthy and safe in their everyday working life. We want everyone to have equal participation, voice and leadership in social dialogue. We ensure gender proportional representation in leadership positions. We want everyone to receive equal remuneration for work of equal value.

Wages & Career

We all work to live our lives, pay our bills and do what makes us feel happy and fulfilled.
We want to enable all the above for our employees and thus we constantly monitor the wages in the market and offer fair wages that go beyond the statutory minimum wage set by government and unions.

For a fun day at the office work!

We believe everyone should be happy & feel satisfied with their lives and their job!

Personal Growth

Grow alongside experts.
Join trainings and events.
Be part of & learn the startup journey.


Your favourite laptop.
Budget for healthy screentime.
Joggers for remote work.


5000 SEK allowance.
A day off on your birthday.
Fun events for a healthy lifestyle.


Work from anywhere.
Celebrate your culture.
No dress code, only smart colleagues!